Our calendar for the remainder of 2024 looks like this:

Thursday October 3 dinner with guest speaker, Bill Busch.
5:30 Cocktails, 7:00 Dinner

Saturday December 14 annual XMAS Party & Program.
12:00 Cocktails, 1:00 Lunch, 1:45 Program.

Stay tuned for emails on these events and we’ll ask you to RSVP at that time.

Welcome Pro Tem Members!

Since the 21st Century arrived more than 20 years ago, it seemed appropriate that we entered the 21st Century ourselves with our own website! Here you’ll find event information, contact information, and a bit of nostalgia.

We hope you enjoy it and that you come here often to stay up to date on the current calendar.

One of our goals with this site is to share some of the camaraderie that we each enjoy at our live events. We will post photos of our members and from our past events as time allows. This montage will grow over the years, so we’ll likely start with the early years and move forward from there.

From time to time, we will also post links on this site that will lead you to a video from some of our dull and futile events. When this happens, we will send you an announcement alerting you in advance.